The Beauty of Grey Skies

Moths were once the most beautiful creatures.
Colourful as the butterflies, and elegant features.

But one gloomy day when the angels felt down,
The moths used all their colours and left only with brown.
They created a bright, beautiful, radiantn rainbow.
The angels were happy, and so were the people below.

Don't judge the girl who wears all grey.
She may look dull, ordinary, and plain,
But her personality isn't necessarily the same.

The beauty of grey skies,
Colourful as butterflies,
Charming as the sunrise.

You may be pretty now, but your beauty will fade.
And only your personality will remain.

You can call him a freak, because he wears all black.
You think he's weak, until he strikes back.

You're too busy thinking you're a princess,
To even take the time to notice
The person behind the piercings and tottoos,
Who doesn't care about your views,
Or your constant abuse.

THe grace of a violent storm.
Elegance reformed.
Jagged, frayed, and torn.

Don't judge a person by their looks.
The covers not always like the book.