Suicide Letter of the Teenaged Girl

Mom and Dad,

I know you'll be sad, but don't be sad for me.
I hated living like a square trying to force its way into a circle.
It's like some higher power said, in world were people are different shapes
"Circles are perfect, and to be excepted you must fit in a cylinder."

I feel like a square in this world, rounding my edges, bit by bit
Trying to shove a angled body
Into a smooth, rounded slot.

And those who had managed to fit, stared out at me
Halfway wedged into the cylinder.
And they laughed and whispered behind my back.
The worst, though, was pity.

And now I rebel against my circular prison.
And when you find my body, neatly poisoned
With no blood for you to clean up,
Know that now at least,
I won't be stuck
Half way in
To a place

the Teenage Girl