A Broken Soul

A lost soul
So broken and cold.
So lost and alone.
Missing her way,
Trying to find her way back home.
Wishing there was a sign to point her in the right way...
Wishing there was someone to guide her way...
So broken and gone,
Nothing to help her hold on...

On the outside her soul is whole and pure.
But on the inside she is screaming bloody murder...
Her heart is whole,
It looks oh so.
But deep inside it's screaming no...
She put that smile on her face,
Just to play a trick...
Deep inside she is crying out..
Wishing someone could hear her now!
There is no one to see her cry..
No one to see her tears...
Its time to say goodbye
And hide herself.
Speaking her mind and being herself,
Only seems to make trouble..
Say goodbye to that little girl..
And hello to the new world...

Her eyes are open..
But she cant really see.
Deep inside shes closing tight.
Trying not to cry...
Day after day..
No one hears her shouts and cry's...
No one looks deep into her eyes...
This one boy does...
She trys to hide...
But she can't...
She doesn't want to ruin his life,
What they have...
Everyone shes ever been with...
They've all let go,
And told her "No!".
But this boy,
This boy right here..
Looks deep inside her and can see whats inside...
Not whats on the outer shell...
He holds her tight, and wishes to never let go..
And he whispers to her a lullaby...

Day by day,
She goes and goes.
Cant seem to find her way home.
When alone she is so scared and stoned...
That she digs up old bones.
Alone she is,
In a dark cold room.
Wishing soon...
Wishing deep into the night...
That all her fears and fright,
Will run away,
Will go and hide.
But no,
They penetrates her soul...
Till there is a deep whole within her heart...

See this broken soul?
So lost and alone,
Just trying to find her way back home
When your around you see nothing less then the lies she acts,
But when alone there is nothing but the cold.
She is a daughter trying to be fit,
A sister trying to be a good example...
A girlfriend trying not to fuck up...
A friend trying not to give up...
Yet she seems to fail...

That broken soul,
So lost and alone,
She reminds me of a girl I know..
Her name starts with a C...
Well you should know the rest...
That broken soul,
So lost and alone..
Is me.
♠ ♠ ♠
Its bad I know.... But whatever.... :'( </3