and i dont know what to do

my first reaction was shock, then disbelief, then i honestly couldnt care less.
they broke up
but what i didnt know was it was for real this time
i have a chance with you and i dont want to blow it again
...but the only problem is i already have someone
i didnt even think we'd last this long, but we did
he is suicidal and im one of the only reasons hes alive,
i cant break his heart
it was broken- no, shattered once
and that girl was around for how long?
it was a week.
and he was heartbroken.

its over now, he has me
and i have him
...but i dont LOVE him, and ill never love him the way i love you
i need you,
you say youre not perfect
but you are...for me
youre everything i could ever ask for

and i dont know what to do
if i lose my chance with you i might die, but if he loses me
...he'll die
♠ ♠ ♠
i didnt have time to edit and fix the typos. sorry. comment plz?