
Let sleeping Gods lie
and kings ascend.
They may take their leave

and the ballet can commence,
You pirouetting between us all
with the grace to make the feat seem easy.

Numb, the blinkered audience gasp.
Their disbelief must swing,
the director commands -

he always gets what he commands.
Muscle spasm, stretch and twist
bones, they crack and break and give

and all cries out for cease,
but our ritual is halfway done
we cannot stop the motion now.

Ballabile and coda dive upon the stage
posses our corpses
and have their wild, savage ways.

So we bleed our muses out
the dance crescendoed
to unscalable heights

'til finally we collapse upon the boards
bodies broken,
Souls empty,

Whilst in the glow of the applause
we cast the shadows of Titans
on our cell walls.