he haunts my dreams

I lay in bed
My every thought haunting me
No safe place to go
Where ever I end up his face is there
It consumes my waking thoughts
And haunts my dreams at night
I jump awake with a scream
It all fells so real still
But it can’t be him
He is no more.
Yet he haunts me.
Was he really an innocent man?
Was it of no fault of his own?
Was he simply drunk?
Would he of apologized?
The world will never know
And now I hear his voice
Ringing in my ears
Over my music blasting
And the humming of the heater
He is here, I can feel him
His hot sticky breath on my neck
His hands gripping my skin
As I tried to get free
This is all too real
I need get rid of it all
And maybe on Monday
This will all just go away
But something tells me it won’t
He will follow me forever
Even when I don’t think he is anymore
He will always be in the back of my mind
He consumes every waking thought
And haunts my dreams at night