Death Is Your Only Love...

In a room,
So dark and cold.
Alone I sit,
Screaming and bleeding...
The room gets colder and colder.
The night gets so longer and longer....
My screams get quieter and quieter...

Death grabs my heart tight by it's strings...
"Look at it!!" he screams at me...
"It's broken and pathetic, not worth keeping, not worth having!!!" he spits at me...
He took my heart and through it on the floor...
Stomped on it, shattered it into a zillion pieces...
Watching my eyes change from hazel to black......
He laughs as he pushes me hard against the wall...
Beats me till I'm black and blue...
As my chest bleeds out...
Death hears my cries... And just laughs in amusement...
"How can you do this when all I've shown you is love..." I plead...
He grins and says "There is nothing to love when one does not have a heart!"

He is right...
When one does not have a heart there is nothing to love...
Nothing to have...
Nothing to care for...
Nothing to want....
Death showed me all of this...
Death showed me I have nothing left...
Death has tasted my blood...
Tasted my fear...
Showed me the darkness...
Showed me how to be alone...

There is nothing left for me but the dark...
I try to be alone but nothing works...
So I go through each day like I'm okay...
Like things are normal..
Like there is nothing going through my mind day after day....
I love my life,
I love this world...
But there is something wrong,
Something missing...

Death screams my name when I'm in the dark all alone,
Where he can easily penetrate my soul...
I let him in...
I let him taste me deep...
Blood runs down my neck... As he tastes me deep...
He runs his hands through my hair and pulls hard...
He doesn't let go...
He holds on tight...
Whispers in my ear.....
"Death is your only love...."
♠ ♠ ♠
I don't know anymore....