
When I wake up it feels
like I am feel dead inside.
Music brings me to
life for only a little
while then it all goes
back to the pain and
empty feeling that
he left me to feel.
When I can no
longer hear the
music you bring me
back to life.
You make me
feel cared for.
You make sure that
I am okay and even when
I am not you tell me that
it will be okay.
You tell me I am
better than this.
Even when I just
want to cry you
make me smile.
When I am ready to
breakdown you get me to laugh.
When you tell me it’ll be okay,
I believe even when it
feels like it is getting worse.
I see trouble and nothing
else but you make me forget that.
You are my best friend.
You pick me up each time I fall.
Each tear I cry you wipe away.
Each scar and cut you over look them.
You are one of the kindest people I know.