a inseparable magic

Hate and Love

an inseparable magic

combinding chemicals like flooding rain

the pain on my shoulders is so heavy

i cant bare

you were my other half

i watch you walk away hands interweaving with another girl

your leaving.....never coming back

and sad part is i've always known that

the clear wet poison drip off my cheeks

all i can hear is myself weap

i never understood how cruel you could be

but now i can finally see

warm and free

all i could hear was laughing

we found each other through the maze of internity

when i touched your hand

i could feel powerful warmth skip up my veins

but now when i grab on to you i can feel nothing more

pleading you with edges of desire

to feel that warmth, the love, that fire

i back away for the ice has shocked me

throwing me back to internity