The Smile.

A wind amongst the leaves,
A love unseen from your point of view,
A hurt that lies unshielded and open to inspection,
The feeling of knowing what to do and knowing what to say,
The way to go is known to you,
And the way for you is the only path that will settle your heart.

A breeze upon your cheek,
A smile, cold in the light of a winter day,
A forest of freefalling flames,
The remains of the leaves burn in the breeze,
Dry, hot,
Cold, dark,
The seas run wild and crash rapid on the ground floor,
A ground of hard and replaceable sand,
A sand so dry it lays alone,
Yet amongst its own,
It lies.

A smile,
Your smile,
A Bright in the dark,
A freedom in my heart,
Come over me with sea and sun,
Together on the grass,
in the breeze,
in the wind,
In the cold,
in the warmth of our own.