I am a survivor...

I am a survivor
Of this broken fucked up world
I stand tall above the ones
That sent existance to a twirl

They try to keep me down
They try to hold me back
They point out all of my mistakes
And things I seem to lack

They make me feel:
Broken, unsanswered
Dead, like cancer
Lonely, untrusted
Battered, busted
Lost, confused
Drowning, consumed
Unwanted, unloved
Destroyed, and shoved
Usable, abusable
Containable, restainable
Unwrappable, uncapable

I do not know when I was happy
My life's been nothing but shitty, crappy
I want to leave it all behind
But my past, my present are in my sight
I see the wall that is my future
I want do something and not be a loser
I can't sit back, I can't stand still
I can't let life beat down my will
But it's a fight that can't be won
This life is bigger then I've become
I can not take this, I pull the gun
Under my chin, my life has won
There's nothing to live for but anger and hate
so I've come to realize that this is my fate
There's nothing to do, the metal went clang
and my life was ended in a firey bang

And so I lie there dead on the floor
I couldn't think of anything anymore
I was dead and gone, out of sight
Finally I see the light
There's no more pain here
There's no more strife
I'm glad I face this rather then life
My heart is peaceful finally
It's been so long...

So there was an escape all along...