One Word

Names circle
They go round and round
Round the hallway
Round the school

Words start shit
Start Rumors
Start Lies
Start ruining someone's day

One word
Could ruin
Someone's day
Make them feel bad

They could go home
And cut themselves
Starve themselves
Or cry their selves to sleep

It's happened to me
And my friends
One single word
Could make us feel worthless

People don't realize
How hurtful
Something can be
People don't think about how others will feel

But in our society
This is perfectly acceptable
Nobody stops the spread
People just listen and maybe pass along

We greet people
In derogatory words
And names
Yet we don't realize

These words are offensive
But it's of the norm
We don't d it any different

"Hey Bitch"
"Whats up Fatty"
Words like these
These make or destroy the world

We don't realize
Just how vicious
Humans Can Be
And all it takes is one little word.