
We are the world
words with good connotation
I'm only predicting a forecast
for my annihilation

Its what they do not want you to know
the seeds we plant will not always grow
Its the fear they carry the most
no night vision needed to see through a holy ghost
and now it's done, finished killing me
its eyes snapped to you
decided what your fate will be

Over my head
The problems before me
over my head
I can't understand
Over my head
Over my head
It only takes a glimpse to see
(Over my head)

Its their words that breed the hate
its their pig faces we blindly feed
they tell us to unite (against each other)
What they hate is a leader
but its what we need
all it takes
is the voice of one man
followed by the actions of a thousand
i will not waver in my fight
to save you though you might not know me
so burn the bridge of ignorance
and join the orgy of enlightenment

Today's psychotic criminals
are tomorrows revolutionaries
if you don't like it
change it
if only the sinister act
what can the righteous expect?
♠ ♠ ♠
Hatred is peace, it's what we are united under. Let's fix that...