Can you put a price on peace?

First we must think what is peace?
A place of quiet? Where fighting has ceased,
A figment of our imagination thats what I think,
In our minds or written in ink,
Where we go to comfort ourselves,
Written in books and stuffed on our shelves.

So can such a thing truely be bought,
A place of peace where no one has fought,
If it can how much would it be?
I think it would be quite a fee.

But I face facts and it's really clear,
True peace can never be here,
The human race is really against this land,
It almost seems like true peace is banned,
As long as greed and anger makes us act,
Peace can never be and thats a fact.

But maybe you veiw is different than mine,
When you look around everythings fine,
Do you see peace in your den,
Well take a closer look and answer again.

All around me my world has crashed,
Maybe I should forget about the past,
We should have hope for the future yet to come,
Where maybe peace will be and justice is done,
I don't beleive peace can be bought with this money of mine,
and that the world will find peace in it's own time.
♠ ♠ ♠
I think the poems not to bad for half an hours work :L