TiCk ToCk MeMoRiEs...

Skies change, time passes. I wonder what stays the same.Is there anything that does?Many things die and a lot of things are born.If this cycle continues in a few more million years if everything from our world now is gone what will be left of the original culture what will be left of everything todays humans worked so hard to create.Nothing.Maybe not even a faint memory.That's why I hate forgetting because I end up losing something I either worked hard for or I loved.I hope you don't forget.

Love always seemed to leave and time always seemed too short for you and me. We never had a chance to look back. Because there wasn't anything to look back on. I told you I wouldn't say good-bye...I just didn't think you were the one who would just get up and leave. I'm sorry you don't feel the same...I loved you...to death...no good-byes...just good night...I loved your smile in the middle of July. It was just like snow falling even though it wasn't winter.