Evasive Little Trick of the Lips

It's just a trick of the lips
Nothing we really mean
A girl thing I guess you'd say
Something we whip out every time we're crying
Something everyone see's
A smile everyone believes
The smile for pictures
The smile for guys
The smile for parents
The smile perfected in the mirror
The smile that when looked at for a fair amount of time
Can be concluded as fake
A fauxpau
A hidden secret you weren't supposed to discover
A secret you want to throw back into the dark black hole and bury as quickly as possible
Something you want to believe
But you know you can't
Not ever again
It's a hard job you must have
Keeping our little secret
Knowing that we smile to hide our deepest fears
Our heart wrenching pain
The only thing we have to put up an elusive front
You men...
You have each other
You stick together in your little clump when you're hurting
But us?
We hide
Deep inside ourselves
Because when we are totally okay
We walk with our head down and our books held tight
We fall a bit short of perfect
And we don't try to be anyone but ourselves
Because we are at peace
But when nothing is wrong
We try our hardest to look pretty and be perfect
So you will never know
That anything is wrong
We pile on the makeup
Dress up a bit
An put on our elusive little trick of the lips