I Tip My Hat

i don't know life's stories
simple melodies from mouths
smiles and frowns
pure emotion beckoned with a kiss
the intricate kiss
kiss that binds up shriveled love
pouring from the heart
and true emotion
thatknows no bounds
as simple tunes and sounds
as crazy as i called them
from the first day i was born
in which this lore
of life knows not
who i am,
but what i will be
hopefully will be
upon the sightless couriers of the air
blessings of the moutain top
gouging my heart
from the painless art
that doesn't call itself self-evident
because these words mean nothing
and this sound mean something
as a lark upon the sightless gale
into the abyss which calls my name
this everknowing pain
lasting game
when can i see that which binds intself to me
the ever calling everlasting
with intense siuations
and alternate medications

medications that i don't take
or have ever been perscribed to
and yet i ask for them
like a new life's pleasure
causing my day to day leisure

what if life is just my own consciousness
playing less
and working more
waiting for
the ultimate mate
binding me to this ever-knowing fate

recall these times which i see in front of me
calling upon life's symphonies
i wrote this as a stream of counsciousness
as if my thoughts were dauntless
and i have no meaning to this word
to the ugly curd
of animal flesh
big bones and random mesh
like fabric from a designer
who knows not which
he belongs,
but still crying to those depressing songs

and friends i do not know
as faulty times tick away their life
to the dark down below

They seem so happy
and yet I am just a son
which calls upon this land
making glorious words
with my mouth that retracts itself
from the utterance of touch

I can't take it anymore;
this is too much.