Finding True Love

Ones love may go
But with thou's age not it matter
For thou shall have love come and go
Thus thine mustn’t fret
For time shall laou
For love again
Even though thou love may be true
Though true love is rare
Such as a gem so precious
That thou may layth thine life down

Thine quarrel may beith that
Though true love is rare as a gem
So perfect and fair
And rarer that any gem thine mankind hast found
Thine still a gem
Gems mayth be found more than once
And with such time thine mayth have
Thou shall find another
If thine shunt find true love again
May thou spend thine life searching
For thine other true love
Remembering thine past truth
Of true love

For those whom shunt receive thine gem
Thine gift of true love
Thou mayith pity
For thou shunt see nor receive
Thine joy that true love mayith bring
Tooth all whom may receive thine precious gift
For thine life mayith be lived
To find true love