If Only He Could See What I See

I once knew a boy,
Who thought he was worthless.
Like he wasn’t as good as everyone wanted him to be.

He spent all day wishing people would notice him,
Hoping they would see.

He wanted to be loved.
What he didn’t know was,
He was loved long before he realized he could be.

Some say he’s naïve,
But I say he’s just too afraid to be seen.

Smiling was his best attribute.
He’d make your heart skip a beat with that pretty smile.
And those boyish dimples giving all the girl butterflies.

He still believes he’s nothing,
Swearing he’ll never be good enough for anyone.

I wish he could see what I see.
I see a strong, adorable, sweet and funny guy,
That any girl could fall in love with.

But he won’t let them in.
Refusing to get to close.

He doesn’t understand what he does to me.

Throwing his arm over my shoulder carelessly,
Making me giggle like I’m 12 again.

And when he grabs my waist from behind,
Enjoying his sneak attack,
He'll make it hard for me to stop that smile from occurring on my face.

He’ll make you act like a giddy school girl,
When he does that winking game.
But he doesn’t see any of this.

He never sees the effect he has on girls.
He’s too scared that his worst fear with com true,

If no one else in the entire world loves him,
I do.
Shouldn’t that be enough?

I wish he could see what I see,
Maybe then he’d let me in.

If only he could see what I see.
♠ ♠ ♠
Just a little something about a boy i used to know =)