Paper Paradise

I see butterflies painted around me, a small rainbow in sight
The sun is shining every day; it does not move from it's place
Its almost blinding- the unbearable light
A fake unwanted smile is slapped onto my face

This is your chance. 
Reach out and touch. 
Your curiosity overtakes you.
You have to. You must. 
Even as you inch closer, you shiver from the cold;
Wasn't it just warm?
How did you get here?
There's a small rip on this painted paradise. 
An imperfection, you see. 
So you cower away, not wanting anything to do with me. 
And now you're smiling.
You want to see what else you can find
To use against me and mess with my mind
You rip apart this paper paradise with a malicious grin on your face; it was plastered on a stone cold wall
I am shocked at my sudden exposure, I try to cover myself;
I'm naked for you all to see
You slap away my hands and you spin me around, scrutinizing me-
You want everything that can be found. 
You're digging deep, almost hurting me
I thought everything would be fine?
After you got what you want, you left me in the dust, not forgetting to continuously jab your knife of Vengeance into my back
You finally got me on my knees, I can't take it anymore. 
I put on my mask of indifference. Whatever. 
You've won. 
Smile at me all you want
Laugh in my face
Pretend that nothing happened
Put on a fake smile as if you like  me; I hate you. 
Just know that it wasn't you who  stabbed me in the heart, and your efforts were in vain. 
You weren't much of a loss, because you weren't much of a gain.
You will never completely break me. She did. You never could.