Label Me.

Label me REDNECK
Because you know I'm redneck
Because I like country music
Because I like mud bogging

Because you know we are all dumb
Because no Southerns have intellect
Because you no our brains go numb.

Label me WHORE
Because you know how us cheerleaders are
Because you know we have to be hobags
Because we can never just love who we are

Because you know we don't give a crap about the world
Because you know we are all heartless
Because you know all we care about is money

Because you know we only care about the poor
Because you know we are suckers
Because you know we are trying to ruin America

Label me EMO
Because you know we are never happy
Because you know ALL of us slit our wrists
Because you know we are always depressed

Label me BITCH
Because you can't hear the truth
Because I'm evil because I speak the truth
Because I can get serious really quick

Label me IDIOT
Because I don't have perfect grades
Because I don't get things as fast as you do
Because I don't spend my life in books

Label me KNOW IT ALL
Because I do have good grades
Because I love to read
Because I correct people

Label me HATER
Because I don't believe in God
Because I don't have a religion
Because since I'm atheist, I must hate the world.

Because I have a church, so I must cram it down your throat
Because I love my church
Because I love my God/s and I am always close minded right?

Label me LOSER
Because I read more than actually talk to you
Because I'm quiet and I can't think of anything to say
Because I don't hang around a bunch of people and laugh, so I must be a nobody

Because I am skinny
Because I don't eat alot of food
Because I am just naturally little

Label me FAT
Because I wasn't born so skinny
Because I eat during lunch
Because I have a little meat on me

Label me GEEK
Because I wear glasses
Because I like Star Wars
Because I like Comic books

Label me PLAYER
Because I have had alot of girlfriends/boyfriends
Because I've had bad choices and couldn't stay with someone for a long time
Because I hang around the opposite sex alot

Labels are everywhere
All around you
These are just a few
So next time you see that person who is different from you
Use your brain
Read the book
Understand it
If you don't like them, fine
No one said you had to love everybody
But never label anybody
Because you never know who's labeling you.
♠ ♠ ♠
Just a simple message. Only some of the many, many labels in the worlds