Funky Monkey Pt. 1

There once was a monkey
Who felt kinda funky
So he turned on his speakers

Timbaland bursts through the room
Funky Monkey's body goes boom
He twists and twirls all night long

But a weird thing happened
The speakers went zap and
Funky Monkey got severely pissed off

He took it to the store
The clerk said those speakers aren't made anymore
So Funky Monkey went to a bar

He drank every last drop of that banana beer
And drank so much his vision wasn't clear
So he passed out there

He woke up feeling very buzzed
His funky brain was so weird and fuzzed
Monkey just decided to wait around

Monkey's head finally got clear
Yep it finally got clear from that banana beer
And something caught monkey's eye

Against the wall
Stood the grandest of all
It was a yellow DJ setup

Monkey looked around, making sure no one was here
So he looked at that DJ setup and ran for it clear
And put on those awesome headphones

He knew what to do, he had the gift
He spun those turntables with style and swift
And he was noticed

So now Funky Monkey gets his groove on every night
Playing at Banana Bouncing in all of the lights
Spinning those turntables all the time

Funky Monkey is styling and making the ladies go wow
But a certain someone catches his eye now
It's the penguin called Senguin

Funky Monkey goes up to fine girl
Does a few smooth moves and a little twirl
She completely blows him off

So Funky Monkey is now torn and tattered
His heart is broken and shattered
How will he get Senguin Penguin to be with him?
♠ ♠ ♠
To be continued....