
Standing at the back door
Watching you take the steps.
Following after her,
Acting like she never left.
Hugging her from behind.
Whispering in her ear.
Tears falling, streaming down her face,
And she pushes you away.

Upset she doesn't want you.
You don't understand.
Something I did know though
Was that she was pregnant by your friend.

You never paid attention when she called your name.
You looked passed her, straight at me.
You use to hug me and call me yours.
Now that she's home, she's all you adore.

What happened this past summer,
when she left for her trip.
She says was a mistake, but you don't believe it.
She tells you she loves you.
You turn away.

I watch you as you walk away.
Tears falling down your face.
Karma's a bitch..
And I think you've just become the King itself.