You're the Center of the World?

All things of your past
Now haunt us in the future.
Nothing is clear.

Why are you the center of the world?
Why must we all center around you?
Forced and drowned.
To stretch my face
Into a mimick of your creation
Just leave me be
Set me free.
I don't want this anymore

Glares and stares are all the same
And only you are to blame
I hate this name game
Quit clenching
Don't drench me
In what seems like love
But really isn't

I don't revolve around you
You don't revolve around me
Don't you see?\
No, you're too busy to see
Sure, you look
YOu never see
You never see what I could be
Now I leave
Happy as can be
No worlds revolve around one man
Leave it be.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hope you liked it