The One Waiting Here

We have never been easy,
There has always been complications,
I thought this time was different,
That we would really work,
And everything I wanted,
Was falling out in front.

But life is never easy,
And things are bound to change,
We seemed to work out perfect,
But things for you weren't the same.

I wish I would have known,
You would do this to me,
But you gave no sign,
You were bringing this on,
All so suddenly,
I had not even the slightest clue,
What you were about to do,
When you those words came out,
I don't know what I did,
Or what I didn't do,
To make all of this happen,
All you did was leave me and still leave me with no clue.

Not a day passes by,
Where I don't think of you,
Or miss you even a little,
Because, truthfully, that is all I do.

You were the biggest part of me,
And I want you back again.
I don't know how I can though,
Cause you chose yourself instead.
I have myself to wonder,
If I was selfish for wanting you to stay,
Or were you selfish for leaving,
And not going through any pain.

Everything that happens,
Everything I do,
Just sets me back a little,
And brings me closer to you.

All I want is you to come back,
To be with me once again,
Even just to miss me,
Realize you want me instead,
But if you don't,
That day will come to you,
Just know you'll realize,
I missed out on that beautiful girl,
The once who loved me with all she had,
And all I did was walk away,
Leaving her there to cry.

And the last thing we spoke was a bittersweet goodbye,
Though what I hope the most,
Is for you to see,
I can be myself around her,
I can't see my life without her,
I want her to be mine forever.
Until then though,
I will stay here and wait,
Wait for you to miss me,
Wait for you to come back,
And wait for you to be mine again.