So She Fades

She's standing in the corner
Breathing in the air
If he'll ever care

He's over there
With the girl with the pretty hair
She's known as his girlfriend
Yet the girl just sit there and wonders

The girl wonders why he picked her
What does she have that I don't?
This is the question she asks herself

The girl and her crush are the best of buds
But the girl loves that boy, he's such a stud
But to him, it seems like she's a fading color

The girl waits around, praying for it to be
Praying that the boy will dump his girlfriend and come to his senses
Hell, I'm praying for that too
That girl is too amazing to lose this

It's kind of funny how the amazing people are turned down
And the ones always noticed aren't deserving to wear the crown
This idea kind of makes me frown

But I know the girl who crushes is a beautiful girl
She deserves the best guy for her in the world
Maybe it's him maybe it's not

That girl who crushes will get her way
I believe this to be true, love will come her way
And she'll be the happiest little thing on the planet

And until that day comes, her nose is pressed to the glass
Crushing on this boy, falling in love with the guy fast
Wondering if she'll ever get him

I think she should, hell I know she should
But should would could as should could
But girl I'm vounching for you to get that boy

So until he notices how amazing you are
Live the life and wish on a star
He'll see you one day, of this I'm sure
Crushing on a taken man sucks, but you'll endure
♠ ♠ ♠
This is for you love :) Hope you read it.