My Death Lullabye

The disease is growing,
It's epeidemic,
Changing my body,
Transforming into a monster,
Overcoming my life,
I turn up the radio,
To drown out my screams,
No one understands the pain,
The changes in my mind,
The scars on my arms,
The razor in my bloodied hand,
And I sit here screaming,
The monster rips through me,
Tearing me in half,
And all I want is blood,
Death is my passion,
It runs through my blood,
LIke waves of the ocean,
On an overcast day,
The blood, it excites me,
Like getting a high,
And I long for it,
Seeing it run down my arms,
Rushing from my veins,
Dripping to the floor,
Forming crimson puddles,
Creating my lullabye..