Every Promise Has a Price to Pay

Have you ever made a promise
So near and dear to your heart
That you solemnly swore to keep
Not just for yourself but for another?
Have you ever signed a pact
Not with ink nor with blood
But with the chemicals of your own heart
To show how true your promise was?
Have you ever looked into their eyes
Knowing that making a promise was a risk,
One out of tender love
That never seems to last?
Have you ever smiled not just with your lips
But with your soul
When you knew you’d made them happy
To hear that you’d remain safe and sound?
Have you ever believed that it was true love
The love that would transcend strife,
And would prove worthy of your efforts
To remain as two perfect halves?

No, you were never meant to be whole.
You never saw that because of your promise,
A fatal schism had begun to take form as well as
A severing of the heartstrings that could not be stopped.
Without warning the fissure had erupted
Into a catastrophe that would reap destruction
Leaving you abandoned
Without heart, without love, without hope.

Have you ever known what it’s like
To trust with your whole heart
To love someone with all of your being
Only to have them destroy you in the end?
Have you ever thought that maybe once
You had done something right,
Without error and false merit,
But only watched everything fall apart?
Have you ever fallen to your knees
Drowning in your tears
Trying to put back all of the pieces
Only to be cut deeper with each attempt?
Have you ever held onto past memories
Unable to forget the times you shared
Moments filled with happiness
That are now lost in time never to return?
Have you ever tried to let go
When you’re still in love
Even though they ignore you,
And treat you like you’re nothing?

Yes, you’ve made that mistake too.
When their love is gone and your world turns cold
You desperately cling to false hope
Praying that they will come back to you.
When you’ve finally had enough of waiting
Hoping that they misjudged their decision
To break your heart when all you’ve done is loved them
You’ve finally learned that every promise comes with a price to pay.
♠ ♠ ♠
This poem I wrote based on my own experiences. I've kept the promise vague but feel free to adapt it to a promise you have made. As I said in the short description, it's for the broken hearted waiting for their second chance or those who never got one. If I'll ever have the missing part of my life back again, I don't know. All I do know is I don't want to lose hope but I'm about to give up because I can't fight for my dreams anymore. For those of you who are reading this, just know that you're not alone.