
The children howl laughter
The little boy cries
As the classmate love dies

The children throw books at him
Because he's not like them
The love in this story is quite dim

He grows up with hate
The blackest cloud of all
Hanging over his head since he was so small

Now he's big and in high school
He decides its time to take a stand
So he comes face to face with evil's land

He finally has his first friend
Oh she's build with skill
Beautiful shotgun, designed to kill

He wants his vengence
So he goes to his class
While he's getting laughed at by the mass

He shuts the door, locking it
He pulls the gun out, telling them to quiet
Or their brains are going to start a riot

They are all silent now
Scared and filled with fright
They are going to die tonight

He shoots them all with his new friend
He cries and points the gun to his head
Pulls the trigger, now everyone in the room is dead

Never bully anyone, anywhere
Because this might be you in this scare
Bullying is something you should never dare
But why is bullying everywhere?
♠ ♠ ♠
Hope you liked it. Comments? :3