A life wasted

So you where a teen.
You loved to go out and get drunk and high and do your own thing.
You thought no one cared for you, so you numb your pain.
You sneak out and get high, your parents keep trying to make you stop but you don't,
you say you hate them, but did you ever stop to think they were punishing you because you get drunk and high?

Your now 30 years old, and you still get drunk and you still get high.
You think its funny when you make food with weed in them, and a kid or friend eats it on accident.
You think its funny when your fucked up and you almost die because you can't think or react.
You keep doing it because your friends did it, you may start to blame them, but did you ever think that they were doing it because you were doing it.

Do you look at your life and think that your happy?
Do you notice that it takes more to get drunk, or it takes more to make you feel "happy"
Did you notice that you can't get a hard-on because of the blood flow.
Did you even care when you had a child and kept getting stoned and drunk and you thought "its not that bad, it won't hurt them, their just kids"
Well when you were doing that, did you even think of me?

Did you think I would end up where you are?
Did you think you would dead before I hit the age of 18?
Did you even care to stop, we all know that deep down you wanted to.
Did you even care to think of your self?