
Can't you imagine...
that burgundy rose?
Sitting in a forest somewhere
Perfectly sprinked with dew
Glimmering in the sunlight
but equally shadowed by darkness?
Can't you see it?
The beast running through the woods
looking back, past every tree
Bellowing out a growl, before disappearing
in to the fog?
Can't you hear her?
Crying out for help..
a lost beauty,
Stumbling through the brush
clinging to dear life
frozen fear on her face
tears stinging her eyes
blurring her vision?
Can't you hear the patronizing fear in her voice
as she asks for help
"Please...i'm lost, help me"
in a shallow whisper
barely strong enough to take another step?
Do you feel the viciousness in his voice?
but the kindness in his eyes
As he takes her hand
and they fall inlove
slowly, they find themselves
with a person neither had imagined?
As each petal falls off the rose
He becomes more and more human
& soon the magic fades away
because everlasting love broke the curse?
Beauty and the beast...
the hidden rose.