I'ts about high time I get back on my high horse
I'm done living in the past
Cause you don't want to talk to me
And I'm done wasting my time
I'm better than this
So leave me be

Let me spread my wings and fly big brother
You've held on to me too long
You've used and abused me
It's about time I grow up
It's about time I leave this nest
It belongs in the past

I want you to miss me like I miss you
I want you to want to talk to me
I want you to be the best friend I had so long ago
I want you...I want you to love me

You've been cruel
You've forgotten
You've let me go
You've moved on
You've become someone else

So I'm done here
Let me go
I want to move on
You have to let me go on
You have to let me become a new person like you have become

I never even thought about loving you
I promise you this
I promise you that it never crossed my mind that you may be more than my brother
I promise you that

Never Happened