A Mere Memory [Yet it has Much Meaning]

Your words burn freshly within my head,
Like a tainted melody full of dread.

You tired so many times to knock me done,
Yet most of the time I wouldnt fall down.

But the funny thing is,
I didnt hate you.

No matter how much I wish to,
My heart couldnt take it.

Now the years have slowly past,
And all those fragments still seem to last.

I leaned so much since then,
Of why you did that back then.

And to all who are reading this,
This isn't a hate poem.

In fact it's truly just a blissful memory,
Of A dear friend who lost her self within her twisted fate,
That was full of lies and endless withering masks.

Though she looked strong and held her head high,
I could tell how much she suffered on the inside.

When her father cheated and lied,
To her family the whole time.

And how she began to lie too,
Hoping cover up the sadness that sunk within.

Yet back then I couldn't see,
And began to wonder why she did those horrible things to me.

I ask for no apologies nor tearful excuse,
For all that is buried within my coffin till I die.

I shall carry this to others,
Who seem to have this happen just like me.

For you see,
My judgment of a person has change drastically since than I can remember.

And now with this new thought in mind,
I know how to see whose wearing those masked you once hid within.

And how to take the bad out and bring the good in,
So that my life can move on without being held down by useless memories.