Ran Away

I ran aross the stars,
I ran across the sea,
I ran away from you just to be free.

I wanted to explore,
I wanted to live,
But you just let me die and tossed me a dollor five.

You can't fixed what's broken,
You can't fixed the heart you tore,
You left me to tears and utter bore.

I ran aross the stars,
I ran across the sea,
I ran away from you just to be free.

My daze was blurry,
My head was in pain,
But it didn't stop you when you began to call my name.

You said you would save me,
You said you would help me breath,
But you just shoved it in my face and then you leave.

Can you take it all away,
Can you give me back a life,
A life worth while to surfice.

I ran aross the stars,
I ran across the sea,
And I never felt so free.

I wanted to belong,
I wanted to be high,
I wanted to somehow reach up and touch the limit of the sky.

You can't keep me forever,
You can't keep me for life,
So just pull out your knife.

So I ran away from me,
I ran away from you,
So I don't have to listen to anything you say or do.

I ran aross the stars,
I ran across the sea,
I ran away from the monster that set me F R E E.
♠ ♠ ♠
It was supposed to be a song, but it fitted for my poetry.
comments please.