One Little ***ing Phrase.

My world is sent crashing down.
With one little phrase,
from one little bitch.
"She cuts herself."
Now, the school knows.
My parents,
everyone knows my little secret.
Yet still,
I fill my life with lies,
Relationships based on lies,
I'll never let them know
what truly bothers me.
They'll never find out
what's really wrong with me.
They say I
"Have a good, kind heart."
I don't have a heart.
I gave that shit up in August.
I had an alright life,
happy to hide myself in the darkness.
But one little bitch,
one gossiping fucking bitch,
had to ruin it,
to tell everyone.
I've lost all privacy,
my cover,
my life.
Stop trying to fucking
"Make me better."
Because you're only making me worse;
Don't pretend to finally care,
you're only feuling my depression, bitches.
I can't live with this shit any longer.
♠ ♠ ♠
Basically. The shit that's happened lately. Some chick told my principal I cut, he told my parents and therapist lady. Now, because they HAVE to, everyone's pretending to care! Fucking joy.