An Old Path To Follow

Looking for something new,
Searching for something old,
A flame to rekindle,
Or an old path to follow,
This was only successful for few.

While stuck in my rut,
I tried to climb out.
I had attempted numerous days
Every other time I had been afraid of what awaited above.
Today was different.
The fiery in my eyes was obvious
And yes.
I made it out with nothing but a cut.

Dusting my dirt-covered jeans off, I saw it.
A path to explore.
Certainly familiar,
Worth a shot, indefinetely.
With that, I took my first gentle step on the sand riddin trail.
My hope-to be future lie in front of me.
I was done with my every-day pit.

Grains of sand felt soft on my skin.
If I stumbled, my landing would be safe.
Despite signs of danger, I continued through the mysterious passage way.
I was up for an adventure.
I could think no negative,
My memory strained to remember where I remembered this place.
I couldn't think, I just wanted in.

The avenue escalated up and down,
Long, sharp grass surrounded me.
After about three days of climbing and soaring through these dunes,
I started to realize what might lay ahead.
A gorgeous ocean to spend my days at.
My hopes sky-rocketed.
Excited for my future, Nervous for what I have found.

When tired, I thought about what I was traveling to.
Whatever was rolling out before me,
Would be well worth my never-ending scaling.
But it wasn't.
The person in front of my, assumed, ocean,
I flew for them.

My heart wanted nothing more, than to be there.
So I sprinted to them.
Nearing their presence, my vision blurred.
Out of no where, I blacked out.
It was not fair.

I woke up.
It felt as if only mere seconds had passed.
But my face was not covered in cool sand,
Instead, I was masked in the oh-so familiar mud.
My eyes opened to my rut.
I was back to where I had started.
Now, the only difference was that I ached.
My heart ached.
They had done this.
I got so closeup.
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