
Dilapidated from these scars,
Scars beyond human envision
For my excruciation is internal
For I am not harmed physically
But anguished emotionally
And these emotions ignite within me
Capricious and volatile
Cauterise and scald each and every fibre
Of my once tranquil well being
It burns inside me
Flares with intensity
Yet my mind remains discombobulated
Unable to put the pieces together
The fire seems to spread quickly
It quickens without mercy,
Combusting and scorching within me
For there is no heart to be found within this fire
At least not like the heart within that struggles to beat
The heart that quickens its pulse
As if each and every beat, an attempt to run away from reality
Escape from the pain that the real world brings
Begging to descend,
Descend away from the real world
In search of a sanctorum
A benefit for my refuge
There seems to be an upheaval within my emotions
A change, causing such a major deluge of cataclysm
Outbreaked with emotion
And outnumbered by worries within
For all the silenced scream
The tear drops that appeared
Only to merely fade away
All of this will appear in a day again
For there is nothing that can pacify me
As there are no arms being held out for me to fall into
Thus I shall never be relieved from this unpredictable burden,
The burden of pain.