I Wanna Hear You Scream

Beg for me sir.
Scream to me loud and clear.
Tell me who you are.
Admit what you did.
You honestly thought,
You could get away?
Silly boy.
Silly dream.
Won't you ever learn?
You can't escape,
The fate you have.
I just play by the rules,
You betrayed me once.
You say it won't happen again.
Yeah, I'll make sure of that.
Don't worry,
You won't feel it after awhile.
You won't cry anymore.
You won't be afraid.
Give it a minute.
Let reality set in.
There we go.
I see it in your eyes.
You know what's going on.
I'm here to take your life.
Oh, don't try to run.
Just give in.
Just let go.
Give in to death.
And drown in your blood.