
I will remember this day.
It was in the after-noon.
After school got out
We were by the portables,
He was about to leave me.
To get shot, to have his life thrown away.
He was comforting me.
Saying it will all be right.
Then someone behind him in red said
"Dude, Lets go."
And as he turned to leave me,
To go fight this fight that wasnt his
I pulled him back saying,
And then i did it.
I kissed him.
And as we pulled apart i hugged him.
And whispered in his ear,
"Come back."
And then he backed away he kissede my cheek and whispered,
"I will dont worry."
And just like that he was gone.
He walked away.
To bad it was a dream.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yeah i never ended up finishing this dream... Especially after having it 3 nights in a row this was as far as it got. Sucks majorly