I love You

You say you love me
But do you care?
I say i love you
but thats the truth

I think you love me
why would you not?
Love is what we share
Fate has brought us together

Ignore the ones who say bad things
you know its not true
We can do what ever we want to
As long as you say you love me

Im sorry for being an ass
I know i have temper problems
I never meant to hurt you in anyway
Will you forgive me?
It'lll never happen again
I promise
I would die for you

I thank the one who brought us together
She knows who she is
We love you!
And i would die for you too

You are the sensitive type
but i still love you
please love me back
Im crying out for you in this storm
my words make no sense
Mt screams make no sound

But i say this to you
and i hope you can say it back
I love you chris
with all my heart
And never forget it