Ode to Roscoe

I had a fish named Roscoe but unfortunately he died.
Mom said they float to the top when they’re dead,
But unfortunately she lied.
I don’t understand why my fish is dead,
They should have taken my immortal frog instead.

He was a goldfish.
Bringing him back now is my only wish
I remember how he had anxiety attacks,
And how he really hated cats.

He was really beautiful, with gold and white and brown.
Now he’s six feet under, in a sewer running through the town.
Maybe i’ll get a new fish, maybe name him Tim.
But no one, no fish, could ever replace him.

We shared all our secrets, day and night,
And when I was lonely and shaking with fright,
He would comfort me in his glub-glub way,
And for all of this goodness, he still had to pay.

Me and him, we were buddies, buddies for life.
And if it were legal, I'd be his my wife.
Well actually a widow now, how sad that would be.
Especially because he had no money.

I remember my denial, shaking my head and yelling no,
When i walked in and saw you on death row.
Oh Roscoe, i miss you so much,
And I remember how mom had to give you the flush.

Now Roscoe’s up in that fishbowl in heaven,
Hanging with Goldy and Zoom.
They were my fish before Roscoe, I loved them,
And they were all kept in my room.

Goodbye dear friend, this is our last hurrah.
I’ll love you forever, but for now i say ta-ta.
♠ ♠ ♠
So I know this is kind of strange, but I wrote it a while ago when my fish died. Pretty sad, actually.