A Dangerous Game to Play

I sit in the darkness one last time as I play a dangerous game.
My body is numb. Trying to register what I am about to do.
I raise the barrel to my temple with a fear and of shame.
The end feels cold against the skin of my head as i am about to
pull the trigger that might set me free. Inching that slim bit of metal
closer and closer until...click!!! The chamber landed on an empty one
and my Heart falls like many dead petals.
I want this to end. I cry long and low. I spin the chamber once again. When
I put the end to my bare flesh again, it is moist from my cold sweat. A pang
of remorse fills me as the trigger comes closer and closer until...Bang!!!!
♠ ♠ ♠
My interpretation of when one of my friends tries to commit suicide. My friend is perfectly fine with no apparent effects. I do not condone suicide nor do I trust my friend to go hunting anymore.