Karma...or is it revenge?

Congratulations boy you’ve won the game
You managed to make those girls live in pain
You managed to break their hearts and still
Have the nerve to let them live with the guilt

Don’t you have a heart, doesn’t it bother you
The way the tears run down their face begging you
I wonder if you ever replay it back in your mind
What you did to them before going to bed

And didn’t you ever hear about karma
Cuz believe me she’ll strike you one day
I just hope I’ll live to see the moment
When you’re swallowing your own heartbreak

But did you really think you’ll get away with this
With your charming smile and baby-blue eyes
Cuz damn it boy I didn’t for one second guess
You could ever be as stupid as this

Your looks might’ve fooled all those girls before
Your act might’ve got you out of those detentions
Your skills might’ve passed you through high school
But did you think I was that oblivious to your intentions

I’ll tear you apart and rip you to shreds
I’ll make you suffer more than you made them
I know how to make you believe once again
That what you did in the past will never die

So, now you think you finally met the one
I see you fantasizing about her every second
Just like the way those girls used to dream
About their happily ever after with you

Now dream my boy, you got your hopes set on high
And now you’re thinking of proposing to her?
Well, I told you before karma won’t leave you alone
So get ready darling, for I am revenge…