I don't know where I am

Behind these walls
I see a couple
Such a daring couple they are
Sitting out on a balcony
Watching the sun set
Why would I be seeing a couple on a balcony
While I am behind a endless wall
I walk away
I am still behind this wall
I am trapped in a wall surrounding
An endless wall that I can't escape
I want to see the happy daring couple again
But they have vanished
So I thought
I see the man holding the woman
Crying because the pain in his heart
It seems that I have missed a important part of this scenery
But I don't understand did the woman faint
I suppose not
I see red all ovver the womans dress
Perhaps she was murdered when the man walked away for a moment
I don't want to remember this
I don't want to see this
I'm not able to handle this
I'm scared that I won't be able to go home to my family
Is this just a dream....? Or am I really gone....?