Beautiful Afterlife

Beautiful Afterlife…...

Oh!, Please tell me?!
For I shall die upon this day,
Is the afterlife
Just like in my dreams?

Where the beautiful blue birds
Sit up on the tree branches
And whistle a tune
Never heard before

Where I can sit by the river banks
And rub the fur of a lion’s mane
Have him pure
And let out a roar

Where the fields are bright
With such stunning colors
Of flowers
Never scene before

Will I be able to pick a bouquet?
Lay down in them
Smell their sweet scent
And just drift off in my thoughts?

Where I can just walk on by
With the beautiful waterfall to the side
And look down
And find myself floating

Will I have beautiful wings?
Just like all the angels
That watch over you and me?

Will I wear a white and purple gown?
As I am greeted at the gates?
Will I make it that far?
It’s pretty high up…

Will it be joyous?
Will I be happy?
Will everything be perfect?
Just like in my dreams…

For the afterlife…
All I can do is await to find out….