Falling wish

You make my heart
Beat so wild
My love for you
Can streach for miles
I'll look at the sky
At all the stars
Your so close to me
But I feel so far
Can my love reach
And touch your heart
Cause I wana hold you
Upon the stars
And make a wish
As you fall
To be together
And keep this love
Cause I want nothing more
I'm just a fuck up
And I don't see why?
I only love you
Without you I would die
And continue to fall
Like a star
Waiting for a wish
As he's slicin all up
As he rests
I'm waiting you to say these words
I'll love you forever
And nothing more
I'll give you my heart
As I hit the floor
Hold it high
It's your prize
Cause you when my love
As you wacth me die
Take my heart
And wacth me die
I'll love you forever
And hold it high