JustA Little Play Toy.

I knew it,
I knew shed just hang all over you,
Telling you she loved you with ever thing shes got,
And she wants to be with you more than anything.
So you fall for it,
Some part of me thought it was a scheme of hers,
Just to hurt me.
But that couldn't be it,
So then i thought,
"What would make her do something like this, what would make her..."
Then i realized,
She really truly loves you.
Oh no, not like the other people she "loves",
Not like the millions she keeps on the side no.
Cause your different.
Cause your smart.
You know not to fall for her like that.
And she loves that.
She loves that she cant have you like that.
Cause now she knows she has something to look forward to,
She has you.
She knows shes gonna eventually get you.
And once she has you,
The job is done,
So she hurts you,
Then you leave her.
After that
It's gonna turn in to a never ending circle of pain.
For everyone.
For me,
For you,
For the people she hurts.
Oh she gets hurt too,
Don't get me wrong, she does
But only for a bit,
Until she starts talking to you again,
Just so she can thrive off of the pain
The pain she brings you.
Oh cant you see?
Your just a little play toy to her baby,