I didn't know.

I didn't know.
How could I have known?
I didn't see.
How could I have seen?

Happy, content, loving life.
How could I have seen?
How could I have known?
I'm so young.

There's a loud, irritating sound
spilling into my ears.
I can't see, it's too dark.
I want to sleep,
to fall into the darkness and simply rest.

I think back to the laughter,
I think back to the fun,
I think about how great it had been,
when this night had begun.

There's something hard below me,
something digging into my neck.
Something warm is dripping
quickly down my face.

"Just one more.
Just one more.
I really shouldn't but just one more.
How could one more hurt?

The blackness disappears
to be replaced by a disconcerting blur,
as I open my eyes.
There's a screeching, pounding vibrations
into my aching skull, an awful ringing that
simply won't subside,
I join in as if begginning a ghostly chorus line.

"Baby girl we love you so,
baby girl you should know.
Baby girl never you fear,
mummy and daddy are always here."
The song my parents used to sing to me,
fills my mind and banishes the screeching,
vibrations. I cease to sing in the chorus line.

There's a smell,
I'm not sure what it is,
it smells vaguely of rust.
It's enveloping me, filling my nostrils
it's making me feel nauseous.
I feel and resist the ghastly desire to vomit.

"Let's get going,
on to the next place,
the night is young and so are we!"
My memories take me back to
a voice i heard perhaps an hour before.
A voice i probably won't be hearing anymore.

There's a pain, and it's erupting through me.
Where am i?
My vision is blurry, i still can't see.
What the hell is happening to me?

"She looks bad, jim
she needs to go now."
I hear a man speaking,
talking about me.

I feel something being placed gently
underneath my head, then my body.
I can vaguely see in my blurry sight,
a man with an expression
of pure fright.

I feel myaself being lifted, moved off the ground,
pain erupts through me, but i do not scream.
I'm to weary, to nauseous
I just want to sleep.

How could i have done this?
Been so stupid so ignorant, so naive.
How could i have thoguht it would be okay?
How could i have allowed my life to end this way?

In an ambulance now,
there's men, women
frantically trying to save my life.
I try to tell them it's to late,
but my mouth refuses to listen to me anymore.
Not when i'm just outside death's door.

"Sweetie, I just need you to stay
conscious for me, okay?
No, no, don't close your eyes...
Pleaese just keep them open."
It's that man again,
the terrified one.
I want to say something to make him feel better.
Before i can though i start to feel perculiar.
I can't feel my body anymore,
my vision has gone from a blur to blood-red.
I know it's coming.

Why did i drink?
I'm so young, what the fuck was i thinking?
Why did I get into that car?
How could I think it would be okay,
that nothing bad could happen?

I never thought this would happen,
i thought it would all be fine.
At sixteen you just don't consider
the repercussions.
I guess i just thought i was invincible.

My vision changes from red to white.
"She's crashing, FUCK!"
The voice of the terrified paramedics
echoes through me,
as i close my eyes.