
To produce musical sound with your voice
Breathe from your diaphragm
Open your mouth
Use rounded vowel sounds

The words I hear on a daily basis
Teaching me to be a better singer
When my teacher thinks no one is paying attention
I am

"Chorus is just a class so we can chill and get out of gym"
The vicious , heart-breaking words hit my ears
And shatter my hear

Does Chorus mean nothing to them?
How could it?
All they care about is hanging out
And talking

It seems I'm the only one who cares
Maybe that's because singing is a passion
A lifestyle
My whole world combined into one simple word

To produce musical sound with your voice
Breathe from your diaphragm
Open your mouth
Use rounded vowel sounds

Don't worry Mr. C.
When I'm famous
I'll have YOU to thank
But just remember,
I cared,
I payed attention.