My End.

The tears will always stain,
The blood will always rain,
My face will show no pain,
But inside it's eating away.

Shaking with tears,
Alone is my fear,
Wanting to have one person,
One to actually care.

The darkness around me,
It brings no peace at all,
The most it shows me,
Is the lonely surrounding walls.

You text me once,
Saying "Hey."
And it makes my stomach rotate.

Now we talk,
And I miss you more,
But nothing matters,
Like it did before.

I want you back,
Everyone says "Move on."
But I can't do that,
Not ever.

Your arms around me,
Made me feel safe,
I felt loved and protected,
That was my place.

But then you took my heart,
Threw it to the ground,
I cried with so much sound,
But it was pummeled into the cold ground.

The blade once more,
Becomes my unwanted friend,
And with that everybody,
Is my end.